8 Voice (FXS/FXO) POTS fiber multiplexer, Ethernet & E1, serial ports as options



This equipment uses design of ultra large scale integrated circuit, and its outward appearance is succinct. The merits include easy installation and debugging, unnecessary for maintenance and steady performance. It is suitable in business for communication operator, government and kinds of entities.​​​​​​​  

Giới thiệu

This equipment uses design of ultra large scale integrated circuit, and its outward appearance is succinct. The merits include easy installation and debugging, unnecessary for maintenance and steady performance. It is suitable in business for communication operator, government and kinds of entities.

AN-FM-PCM8 fiber mux can provide 1-8 channels, telephone through optical cable, the network application is point-to-point, supporting FXO/FXS. It has solved telephone transmission problem of edge customers. This equipment uses special digital multiple-connected chip whose function is formidable, and it integrates nearly all the digital logical function of equipment, thus remarkably enhancing product performance and reducing cost.

Additional channels of E1, Ethernet and RS-232 can be added upon request

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1 Trực tiếp:

  •  Địa chỉ : Số 20 ngõ 165/4 Chùa Bộc, Phường Trung Liệt, Q.Đống Đa, TP.Hà Nội
  •  VPGD: Số 8-9 Dãy A4 Đầm Trấu, P.Bạch Đằng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội
  •  Email: sales@hptt.vn - cuongnm@hptt.vn - ngocnx@hptt.vn - tranvietanh@hptt.vn - dangvietthang@hptt.vn
  •  Điện thoại: 02432008042 - 0902175848 - 0986546768 - 0868886229 - 0914240896
  • Skype, Zalo, Whatsapp, Viber Online....0902175848 - 0986546768 - 0868886229 - 0914240896
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